
By mef13

In search of a kiss!

I had always imagined there should be a romantic origin to the name kissing gate which I often come across in this part of the country.
Indeed there are many tales on record which suggest that the way the gate works, allowing only one person at a time through, was reason enough for a kiss to be demanded by couples out walking.
But not a bit of it! The explanation which seems most likely is a general technical term and the idea of the gate is to prevent cattle from passing through. It works as a swinging gate within a semi-circular enclosure, and which literally only allows one person at a time to pass through. The term ”kissing” comes into use because the gate closes by “kissing” either of the two upright opening posts.
Even so, if you care to Google the origin, you’ll find plenty of suggestions which go down the romantic trail, using the kissing explanation as a term of public affection.

Perhaps, I am just a romantic at heart, and was really hoping for some form of affection to be at the origin of the name . . . and disappointed maybe that the technical reason sounds the most likely!

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