red robin in flight...

...skimming over the land

back and forth - and back and forth, he went - from a small tree into some brush - gathering i think, the makings for a nest - i stood tracking him attempting to get - a decent shot of him in flight - do you know how difficult that is? - birds fly really fast - trying to get them in flight, in focus seems - almost impossible and not for the faint of heart - i wasn't about to give up yet was growing weary - this was the best of the lot - and i admit it's not fantastic by any stretch - but it's what i have to offer - it's my recording of the day

i believe when you have something so unusual - like a red robin flying back & forth to build his nest - regardless of the quality, it must be posted - it's the reflection of my day - i don't want to lose that essence or memory for myself - because it is this which has made for...


happy day.....

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