twinned with trumpton


With apologies to 'imindoors

Was it really Boris Johnston spotted down at Portobello, standing next to sewerage outflow checking just how deep the shit was that he'd landed us in...?

A lie in (til all of 9); then up and chucked the climbing kit into the washing machine and then a morning of pained domesticity (a little stiff after the 20 odd miles of yesterday)

And to hers for midday; duly collected we relocated to Granton; and a wander in the sun along the northern seaboard of Embra; a drink at the Chain Pier and then all back to mine for dinner, shit TV (Love, Nina) and - what did I cook for dinner..? I remember the strawberry shortcake flan thingy and - er - oh yeah seared tuna with a chargrilled aubergine & tomato concoction with added pak choy. There may have been a starter too.

Yeah. First day together in peace for a fortnight. Nice...

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