
As we stood round after church, chatting, 10yr old Ana Beatriz got up on the 15 foot high wall opposite and proceeded to chat animatedly on her phone, twirling around and swinging her legs every which way - no-one but me seemed in the least concerned... and I'm not the most safety conscious person around...

Later, never got a walk in because we met an elderly gentleman on the main square whose property we'd inadvertently invaded a few days ago - and only got away after midnight - he certainly can talk... but all very insightful to life here. At the same time, we were carrying on a conversation with friends travelling back to Fortaleza in Brazil, from the wedding of a girl who is practically our daughter. We WhatsApped  a photo of him and others on the bench to their car somewhere in the darkness of the Sertão, at which point (he doesn't have a computer or access to internet) he yelled to the owner of the café, who went past to empty his bin, "Hey, Fernando, I've just been to Brazil!"

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