Mono Monday : : Unusual Angle (s)

I never got under the covers last night and  was was still hot when I got up this morning,. so I went to an 8am class with a good substitute teacher.

After class I took my car to Hammond Autowerks because the tire pressure light went on. We love this repair shop and can get all our routine service done there instead of having to drive all the way to the dealer and pay twice as much. If I need to leave my car there, Kathleen will drive me home in a Smart car. I had to drive a mile and make two U-turns to get there even though it is almost right next door to the Pilates studio, but it was well worth it because Mark checked the tires, turned off the light and showed me how to reset it at no charge.  He even drove the car around to make sure the light didn't come back on. I think he just wanted to drive my car.

I was already too hot for an Aztek Mocha, so I went to Acre Coffee for an iced latte. I've always liked the architecture of this building and it seemed perfect for today's challenge. The colors were pretty good too, so I put that version in the extras. 

I worked on Will's quilt until the ambient temperature inside the house was not conducive to holding a blanket on my lap. The size of the quilt is not really conducive to being shoved through my sewing machine, but I am manhandling it through…a good upper body workout.
I got my hair cut and felt cooler, even though the digital thermometer at a bank said 100 degrees as I waited for the light to change.

Came home to a cool house and two very sweaty guys in the kitchen. OilMan wasn't sweaty, but he broke into a sweat when he saw the bill for replacing the fried circuit board in the attic. Perhaps there is a surcharge for working in a 120 degree attic, but new circuit boards are not cheap…

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