The Barn

The day broke sunny but still with a cooling breeze. We said our goodbyes and headed on our separate ways - Mike to Sheffield and me back to Doverland and its whopping 62.1% vote to Leave the EU.

It felt as if the world and people I knew in it were now divided in two between the Leavers and Remainians. News was already coming in of racist abuse and attacks, mutiny in the Labour Party (hooray) and the retraction of the most important of the Leave campaign's lies and promises. Meanwhile Project Fear was no longer a project but a reality and although The Submarine (George Osborne - absent over the weekend) did not deliver an emergency budget it will not be long in coming.

Boris BoJo Johnson meanwhile spouted delusional drivel in his Telegraph column that tried pathetically to square single market access and free movement circles.

Arriving home I felt like hiding away from the world. The Iceland victory put amusing lid on a pretty shameful day for our politicians. A Twitter storm of humour broke out which for a while leavened the seriousness of the uncharted course we are now embarked upon.

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