
By CleanSteve

'Bandit at three o'clock'

The bird feeder was very busy this afternoon as I think the imminent rain was tempting the birds to stock up.  I saw from the house, whilst having a sandwich, that a nuthatch was eating sunflower seeds from the feeder with another nuthatch perched just above it hanging onto the grill.  I realised that it was a baby being shown where and how to feed, which I've noticed in other years especially when the woodpecker does it.

After finishing my lunch I brought my camera downstairs and went out to the cabin to await results.  It was then that i noticed the large number of birds and realised that there were many young.  I saw four nuthatches and four male and two female bullfinches as well as several robins, many tits, a dunnock, a pair of blackbirds and an obligatory woodpecker.

The bullfinches tend to hog the feeder by just sitting and resisting any other birds attempts to join in.  One really fat and fluffy juvenile male bullfinch sat for at least five minutes constantly pecking at the seeds and  cracking them open allowing the husks to fall to the ground, with the occasional seed as well.

I liked this pair of bullfinches feasting but about to be joined  by an unknown bird who wasn't going to sit back.  I have posted the resulting scene immediately after in the 'Extra photos', as well as a bullfinch having a stand-off with a nuthatch,

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