Good bye, Good luck and God speed.

Graduation ceremony for the class of 2016.  Here I am (thanks Robin for the pic) presenting the music and humanities award to my much loved student, Umut - pianist extraordinaire and star of several of my blips in the last three years.  To you, to all of you of who graduate today,  I wish you every success, and a lifetime of kindness and joy. The ceremony closed @ 20.45 with the traditional mortar board toss (extra) and the headmaster officially declaring the school year finished. 'bout time too - it's nearly 3 weeks since I last taught a class.  Anyway, ceremony over, we all (yes, all 100+ teachers, 200+ seniors and ?00+ parents) headed to the Student centre courtyard for dinner.  Just as well for me as I returned last night to discover that my kitchen refurbishment is so very not finished that I have my kettle in the bedroom, and that's about it on the food prep facilities front. Good job I'm off to the UK, formerly of the EU, on Thursday. 

oh God, literally as I write this, "breaking news" of the bombing at Istanbul airport  - latest update, killing 28, and 60 injured.  

Update Weds morning, the number of dead has risen to 36 and 140+ injured. 

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