journey from ay to zed

By aytozed

Chaos in my drawers

A chaotic glimpse into my drawers.

Yes, that is a metaphor for my life....

List of stuff....

Atop of drawer

Pot with makeup brushes and pen
Glass jar filled with cotton wool and half used packet of Piritese allergy tablets (husbands)
Three types of facial toner
Two glass bottles filled with oil
Body cream
Nail varnish remover
I phone (husbands)
Book of finger tip japanese
Homework book (daughters)
Leaflet from inside a magazine offering subscriptions
Basket of toiletries won as 14th prize in a christmas fayre
Red money tin (Key lost)
Gift box (empty)
Santa Hat
Black wooly hat
Face cleanser
Nit lotion
Body wash
Wooden figure
Two necklaces
Two rings
Hairspray (empty)
Raffle Tickets
Dairy Milk (minus two pieces)
Wooden box
Oil of Olay (I still call it Oil of Ulay though)
Aftershave (husbands)
Christmas card
Black bowl filled with change
Light bulb (from a lava lamp, blown)
Pebbled (From garden, painted as a man by daughter)
Cotton wool ball
Bun cases
Digital Photographer magazine (husbands)

In the drawer (what the eye can see)

Toiletry bag (contains toiletries stolen from various hotels around the world)
Nail buffer
Two lots of ribbon
Make up bag
Tub of face mask powder
Hair product
White envelope (empty)
Ticket for a boxing match
Red and Black bracelet
Travel Hairdryer
Black zip up bag containing contact lenses (and a lip gloss)
Black beads
Stage 3 conditioner from a hair dye
Bag of eye shadows
Some notes to self
Cotton buds
The Lion, The witch and the wardrobe (Inscripted inside To Tim From Mrs B Sanderson Class 5 1981)
Stray contact lenses (from specsavers)
Box with image of Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe

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