
By HF1

Painting on Iona

It was the perfect day for a trip to the other end of the island where Iona lies - we made it just in time for the second ferry of the day and we took our bikes across so that we could see more of the island. 

The sea was as blue as it looks in the picture and the sand as glistening white.
We had a leisurely lunch in the hotel garden after cycling to one end of the island then we explored the other side - an added bonus being to catch the discordant sound of the corncrake in a hayfield! They are rare birds and one year we actually managed to photograph one near the hotel grounds whilst all the birders were pointing their cameras in the opposite direction!! :-0

The artist had brought his large canvas into shore in his boat and he was painting to a very high tech sound system.

A paddle in the icy water rounded the day odd well.

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