
By Poppy

Current Project

Mike has owned this old wooden boat for years, but now its turn has come, and it is getting some tender loving care and many hours of carpentry spent on it!

As you can see she has obviously been several colours over the course of her life, and the inside is still painted red. She is a lovely shape, and it will be fun doing her up. When we were at the Anstruther Fisheries Museum we saw a boat called the Quaver, which is very similar to her, so with a bit of luck we may have to go down and look at her again!

This afternoon was the local gardening club annual summer barbecue. After a few spots of rain this morning it brightened up, and some of us even took our fleeces off! Far too much food, plenty of wine and a good catch up with folk who are generally far too busy in their gardens to see each other at this time of the year!

Ollie and Scratch met up again and enjoyed all the dropped food, the burnt bits of burgers, the undercooked bits of burgers and the odd sausage roll! They had a mad dash about in the field and then settled down, wandering around, looking for soft hearted folk to feed them left over morsels!

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