There And Back Again

Pathhead Farm looking to Dunbar on the East Lothian coast. I got out on the big bike this afternoon, heading up instead of along the coast. Being single-speed, a bit on the beefy side and rather wide, it was strenuous going. But enough about me, the bike was great too... Ho, ho ;)

Bigger and Beefier.

Can you see that valley straight ahead? And the golden field of barley at the far end of the valley? Well, that's where I was when I thought how nice it was to have the wind in my hair... Oh, dammit where's my helmet? In this photo the helmet is propping up the bike, and that's where I left it. Doh. So, I turned around into the wind just as the rain started and trudged back up to get it, regretting only having one water bottle and no food with me because I was knackered.

But then I got to ride down again - so it was all fine. :)

I recorded the ride on Strava - well most of it til the iPhone battery ran out. But you get the idea.

Home to pack with Duncan for his adventure holiday starting tomorrow. Really exciting :)

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