
By sbreingan

This time he's smiling

Three weeks ago it all ended in tears. Today he was back on Centre Court again, once again playing a Swiss under the roof. Only this time he won.

A great atmosphere on court; standing ovations, people chanting 'Andy'. We could here thunder and lighting and the rain pummelling the roof. Pretty good seats behind the royal box, but sadly there were rows and rows of empty ones around us.
I'm pretty sure at some point someone with a bit of sense handed out tickets to those outside who were watching the court covers as a huge influx of people arrived to fill them and they didn't look very corporate.

Saw Sharapova and Tsonga play also. Nice to see the players with a bit of colour on and the court with a nice dash of purple.

One of the biggest cheers and applause was for a small old Brazilian man who stood near the back and showed off a sign that read:


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