My 365 Photo Challenge

By Sarahsblips

25 year old with a kinder egg

And I don't care!
Kinder eggs still make me smile and today I needed to smile!

Loads of mortgage stuff had to be sorted today and I got quite over whelmed and stressed about it all. Lots of people contacting me and things to sort out.
It's all on its way now so hopefully this is the last of everything and I will get an answer next week! Fingers crossed!

Andrew was over for tea tonight thankfully! So after a catch up with my grandad on the phone and making our tea, I really enjoyed snuggling down with him and watch something silly on tv. It was just what I needed after a long, stressful day and when I have a pretty bad cold.

Roll on tomorrow! Cinema with the step bro! Cant wait to catch up with him and to see the secret life of pets!

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