
By jeanine


Perhaps I should have explained where I've been the past while: As of mid-May, I have been living in Southern Alberta working on completing my student health inspector practicum. So far, I've spent a night in Banff; a week in Edmonton for the practicum orientation; a weekend in Jasper; and a couple of weekends in Calgary for the 100th Annual Stampede followed by a reunion with a long-time friend. I'm a long way from home, but it's been an incredible experience out west, and I'm really glad that I decided to come out here. I'm entering my final weeks of my practicum, then Ill fly out to visit one of my friends in Vancouver (with my sister and one of my best friends), then fly back home to the big city at the end of the Labour Day weekend.

Speaking of which, as soon as I'm back home in Toronto, I think I may start my mini project for portraits, as I had intended to do last summer. Up close and personal. Uncomfortably close in some cases. Perhaps I'll start recruiting some dear friends for models.

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