a lack of focus

By minnchip

Oh my!

I didn't really expect to see this number posted on my journal.

But here I am 200 photos later, feeling as if I have made new friends and not feeling at all odd about posting pictures onto the internet. But I did feel slightly silly taking photos of the building down the road from my office! Fortunately I managed to avoid any embarrassing self portrait reflections with such a big shiny number.

Thank you to all who have stopped by once, twice, or more. And special thanks to those who keep stopping by. It makes me feel as if I have a little story to tell.

I love reading other people's journals and the world has become a more interesting place. I feel more observant and I am certainly a tiny bit better at using the camera. At the start of this year I did not know what a DSLR was, much less how to use one.

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