High Drama

So...friday night, back from pub early to watch footy. As we walk in, smoke alarm goes off upstairs... Smoke billowing on landing, main bedroom has afire near window. Yours truly tries unsuccessfully to dowse it with towels, beaten back by the smoke. At which point next door neighbour (ex firefighter!) arrives on scene, takes control and manages to extinguish fire with buckets of water. Gary, you're a real life hero...it could have been so much worse. Bedroom is a write off and the house wreaks of smoke, but it was contained, and apart from smoke inhalation, treated by fire and ambulance service last night, we're all fine.
And the cause of all this drama? A convex shaving mirror on windowsill had reflected sunlight onto curtain causing it to smoulder and eventually combust.
So....check those smoke alarms folks....

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