twinned with trumpton


After Five Munro Friday, I thought Six Munro Saturday had a nice ring to it.. But then I saw the forecast. Single Munro Saturday? Ok, then...

Backstory. Shortly before I was 40, I ascended my 84th Munro - Sgurr a Mhaorich at Loch Quoich. The plan was I then had exactly 200 munros left and if I did 10 every year, by the time I got to 60, I've have completed the Munros. Simples! So after yesterday's efforts, I have exactly 100 left to do. And a year and a week ahead of schedule (although I'll bore you with the '50 before I'm 50' another time)
The spur of having a two figure number to complete after some 31 years after my first Munro is immense.

So as I woke at 0545, peered out and saw Ben Wyvis in profile about 10 miles off, sun rising over it, I figured there was only one place to be. Forecast was for rain by 1100, so...
By 0630 I was out, off up the track through the woods at a decent lick. no tiredness from yesterday.

Birdsong and trees and yet more solitude. Half an hour in and I'm staring up at a steep old climb on to An Cabar; almost 500 metres of staircase. Oooft. Still, I managed; I won't pretend I sailed up; more plodded, but an hour later... I pop out onto the summit ridge. Just in time to grab a quick snatched view of the Cromarty Firth before a dirty great cloud swept u over the summit and sat there for the rest of the day. Oh well.. Still I managed good views out west to where I'd been the last couple of nights. Can't complain.
So a quick trot along the top - relatively flat and easy terrain; touched the summit; 99 problems still to do. And the Inn Pin is one. So is Knoydart, Fisherfield, 2/3s of Torridon, the missed Beinn Fhiondlaidh at Glen Affric, Aonach Eagach, all of Skye... some thrills before I'm done, I reckon.

Anyway 1 hour 45 up. And as I exited, the sun broke through... I got a tingling - I'd only ever seen this once before (Cruach Ardrain) but I sensed perfect conditions for a Brocken Spectre. Basically your shadow is cast onto cloud and it gives the shadow a rainbow halo.... I stood for a good 5 minutes as it edged in and out and smiled inanely.

Until some other early bird appeared and broke the spell. And that was it; off down the mountain; total time 3 hours 10 mins (book says 5-5.5 hours)

Off to Inverness; hoping for a cooked breakfast at Tesco, but no. Their café is now Giraffe. Brunch - £8.50. So I bought lemonade and a pastry and headed off down the road. Finally rolled home without incident (bar the dental surgery at Perth for a BIllboard blip) and into a hot bath and put the washing machine to work.

Then slept. Watched the Wales v Belgium game - stunning goals.

And off to W Hailes to pick her up from Mel's housewarming lunch. 90 minutes later I managed to tear her and Nic away; 5 times we had to stop for 'fresh air' before we finally got back to mine 3 hours later.

She went to bed, I cooked some lamb patties and made them into wraps and then we sat and chatted for a couple of hours; catching up, swapping tales...

In 24 hours I stood on top of 6 Munros. 32 miles and nearly 3000 metres of ascent. You'd think I'd be tired... (to be fair I did drop off eventually...)

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