Busy bees.

Well, after two nights dancing in a row, I'm feeling bruised & battered, not to mention exhausted, but it was worth it! I just love dancing. Ceilidh dancing should carry a health warning though! My arms are covered in bruising from being swung round at great speed, and a gentleman's brogue caught my ankle at one point, causing a huge scrape & a bruise!
Finally got all the mountain of stuff ferried back home from the boat, and now settled down after a brilliant roast chicken dinner. Wine & a 'Game of Thrones' catch up next :)
Here's hoping for a quiet week at work, and I will try to catch up on here.

Thank you all so much for your comments, stars & hearts throughout my holiday. It's really special to be able to share with everyone on here :)

First chance to play with my Birthday extension tube :))

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