New shoes

Of course his school couldn't last another three weeks. And of course he waited until 7:45 this morning to tell me how much his feet hurt. And of course after a lightening trip into town this evening to buy (much cheaper) trainers to see him through, he loves them so much that he had to wear them down to the beach.

I like to make him happy though so it's win win win.

Big day tomorrow. Daisy has to be at school at the crack of dawn for a trip to London and Will has sports day. Where he has incomprehensively put his name down for the 80 metre hurdles race. Are you good at hurdles then? asked I. I have never seen seen them before he said cheerfully.

If only he wasn't the type of boy who gets easily upset if he doesn't do things perfectly in front of an audience, I wouldn't be worried at all.

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