Useless fact for the day!

Open Access to research publications is an ever growing task for us at work. It can be a bit monotonous at times and also incredibly fiddly to sort out when systems don't work properly together. So it doesn't often raise a smile but it did today when I went to correct a title with 'mongooses' in it, thinking that the correct collective noun was 'mongeese', and it turns out I was wrong! Mongooses sounds too wrong to be right, though.

I also came across this petition which raised a laugh as well as a smile. I love how the refusal to tackle the grammar conundrum is said to be because this question is outside the responsibility of government!

Leo enjoyed his first day with his new class and teacher and is also very happy that he has been picked for a sports event on Friday. It is some of athletics event at an arena in Exeter but he has no clue what he is doing! He is more impressed by the fact he gets out of school for the day which also means he gets a picnic lunch rather than having his usual school dinner!

Leo also enjoyed his Aunty Nina watching him at footie training this evening. They played a few games with a tennis ball rather than a football which was highly entertaining. However, the 'clonk' you got when anyone headed the ball was rather alarming. Corners and goal kicks were rather peculiar with the tennis ball. Leo enjoyed his throw outs though. He almost made it into the goal at the other end with one huge throw!

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