Truckin' Hell

What a bad day! My head is all over the place, my hormones are exploding right left and centre and I am an emotional wreck.....aaaaaaaargh! To make everything worse I had to drive the lorry today....which I don't mind.....but I had to drive it to Holmfirth! The road across the Tops is horrible. I was flying up and down on that damn bouncy seat. 

I hate that road. The language from me was terrible, I'm sorry to say and I hang my head in shame. I got the shock of my life as there was an almighty bang when I clipped a bush with the wing mirror and it slapped the side of the truck. I thought going up was bad enough, but going down was worse. The two girls in the cab with me were great and we did laugh a bit, but, flippin' heck....I hate that road!!!!

I was glad to get back and reverse into the garage. You can see some of the pillars that make parking so damn difficult in the garage here. Right...I've moaned enough, I'm going to bed now....I shall catch up with people as soon as I can :)))

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