What did I see today...?

By DaveR


This is what happens when it takes you until 3pm to think; "I might go and get some lunch now.."

After yesterday's Olympic marathon* I had a well deserved sleep (coughing myself awake only twice) and woke at about 10am with no voice. This was fine because I spent the next few hours going through the photos I took yesterday (close to 800) to find a Blip - at some point I'll AlterBlip some of the others I think. After that I spent an hour thinking about going to get some lunch while having some crisps, then I caught up on my Blip uploads instead, thought about having a shower, and then just as I went to do so it suddenly started raining ice lumps** on the house!

Well, that put a damper on that plan (sorry, sorry). Though it did give me a Blip - taken with a nice new lens I picked up on Friday, a 50mm that has been happily experimented with yesterday (at the BT event) and today marks it's Blip debut (or it could have been used for Friday's but I really can't remember!)

In any case, alternate plans arrived within 30mins with a post-Spartan race Emma and Stef arriving at the house (they'll have Blips from it at some point I'm sure) and off-setting a new plan. Within another hour Mark was around, I'd found some clothes to wear over my pyjamas (and there was much rejoicing), we'd ordered a Chinese and we were getting on with booking some shows for the Edinburgh Festival - we're all off up there next weekend for a week's holiday!

So, a lazy day, but a very well spent one :-)

*not the actual Olympic marathon, obviously.
**also sleet, thunder, lightning, suddenly gusty wind and finally some proper rainy rain.

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