
Thank goodness for a challenge today, well tonight!!  
It hasn't been a good day - went to go out this morning and the damn vehicle wouldn't its gone to the doctor.  Serious we think!!  Just a day out until we travel to Lake Brunner.  Buggeration!!

Dishwasher playing up and the fire is smoking which it doesn't usually do, so have had to open all the doors and windows.  Maybe I shouldn't have got up this morning.  "Beam me up Scotty"

However, one (well actually two) good Italian Lakes and Taranaki Blurb books arrived this morning.....OMG, I love them particularly the Italian Lakes one as its a large square and shows off the photos well.  

Reflections was the challenge for Wide Angle Wednesday - over to the stove, three pots, me and the range hood all reflected.  Not pretty, but will have to do.

I've had to cadge a ride to our committee meeting tonight from OldTimer, its out of her way but she is a kind soul.


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