A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum


Today I am driving this and am none too thrilled with it.

My car has gone to the body shop to get all the little hailstone dents removed from it, and I have been given this VW Jetta as a loaner car for the next 3 days.

What's wrong with it, I hear you ask?

1. It has that nasty deodoriser smell that all rentals have that is worse than the smell they are trying to mask and which makes me sneeze.

2. It doesn't always start first, second or even 3rd time. Not sure if it's me or the car because...

3. It has a weird key where the key bit folds into the fob and shoots out like a flick knife when you press a button.

4. The A/C is really fierce and I discovered that the floor setting and sandals are not a good mix unless you fancy a touch of frostbite!

Roll on Wednesday when I hopefully get my Subaru back.

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