
Wednesday 6th July (1411)

Don't look too close, it is a lazy blurred picture! 

I spent quite a bit of time at the school prayer space event today. The children were asked to write their worry on a stone and then throw it in the paddling pool and watch the water wash it away. 

I spent time in the prayer tent for the homeless, getting the children to think about what it would be like to live on the streets. They had a go at making their bed in a cardboard box. Then they wrote messages and prayers on post-it notes to people who are homeless and put these on the boxes. The messages will be taken down to the local shelter at the end of the week and passed on. 

I am gradually catching up with your journals and I am trying to keep up-to-date from now on. I am feeling a lot better now the chemical imbalance is being readjusted, the fog of the last month is lifting and I can begin to function again! 

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