Lager than life

Another Wednesday, another Ibiza Rocks night. Tonight LCD Soundsystem were playing, they were SO good! Lots of energy & atmosphere! See extra for their impressive glitter ball! I found them quite hard to photograph as there are so many of them, and they had so much equipment on stage it was hard to get anything decent from the pit...but i've got some further back pics that will be OK for the paper...just not particularly creative...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha LOVING summer school at's a circus theme this year.
2) Making a decision regarding the course vs family holiday saga...decided to prioritise family & start the course next year. 
3) The bus journey to Ibiza Rocks - good to catch up with my friend (she writes the reviews)...not seen her in ages.

Aaaand happy birthday to my godfather! The band looked like they were having a party on stage - maybe they were celebrating too?!

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