Will eat it!

I've been cooking!

Twice today actually. I cooked at my weight loss meeting this morning. A Rogan Josh with chicken. 4sp very good value.

I also cooked a roast dinner for the family to have whilst I was at work.

Both cooking activities worked out well today.

Unlike yesterday when I decided to make chip shop curry sauce. Now here's a tone not heard for a while!

We got the onìon, we got the apple, we got the plain flour, we got the garlic and the ginger, we got the water from the boiled kettle but we got no curry powder!


We got no option than to get in the car and drive to the spar, well, they got none either. So with no other option we got to go to the Aldi, they got chilli powder, they got ginger, they got tumeric but they too got no curry powder.


We got no option than to try the coop! Well hallelughia, praise the lord for the coop, they got the curry powder.


The curry sauce was complete. Lets see if anyone will eat it!

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