
after logging a short bike ride, and some almost equally as short library time, I made my way over to George and Jasmine's to pick up the homemade pesto they made from our basil cuttings (along with a bonus salsa!). They have a great house and it was nice just chilling on the couch for a bit, catching up with a friend. Someday, Leah and I will be responsible adults not laden with student debts and hopefully own an old house too! No, we love our little apartment and our lives together but there is certainly something homey about George and Jasmine's place, it is very inviting and warm (which would make sense as they are the same kind of people).

But, yes, presto pesto. I plan on using the pesto tonight on some fresh raviolis I just picked up from Central Market to go with a spring mix salad with lemon dressing. Leah has had a long day at school (though I did see her at the library for a bit--she is still there as I type) and I am going to have a long two weeks ahead myself, wrapping up this Walt Whitman course--opened my email a moment ago and blam, all sorts of reminders of the three large assignments (each bigger than the last!), beginning to be due over the course of the next few days, really. But, what I'm getting at is that cooking is always a great stress reliever, Leah and I can just sit and catch up with each other, be creative, laugh, eating something healthy and tasty, and all that.

the runner-up for today's Blip: Iggy Pup. really happy with that one but the contrast of this monotonal piece won out. guess that is the kind of mood I am in lately, stark and mildly dreary? Or, it's like an indoor Hurly Burly moment. Or something.

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