It's good to talk!!

After running a few errands in my local high street this morning, I went along to the thirteenth century parish church in search of a blip. I’ve visited St John’s many, many times over the years (including for my christening, and my wedding!), but today I decided to take a closer look and followed a trail around the church looking at the different historical features.

I took far better photos of the many beautiful stained glass windows and grand monuments, but in the end I chose this one as I spent a lot of time chatting to these three lovely ladies who were busy arranging the church flowers, ready for tomorrow’s weddings. We chatted about how the church and the town had changed over the years (for the better and for the worse...), and they even gave me a sneaky peek into behind the scenes! As Beatie used to say, it's good to talk!!

(Sorry that I still haven’t got around to replying to your comments; on such a lovely day I just couldn’t bring myself to sit indoors at the computer! On the next rainy day (and that won’t be far away!), replies will be top of my jobs list!!)

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