Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Reflections on Blip Life

Not taken today

This is also my 2000th blip which isn't my 2000th blip

Am somewhat behind with back blips but somehow am at the 2000th mark which is par for the course

Photo actually taken on my anniversary of not dying when I should have done day . 9 years ago my family were told I had 3 goes to live . Sod that I am not going anywhere yet

Somehow appropriate that a big day became a big blip day too

I rarely check blip but do keep it as a backdrop to my life , all be it a dusty backdrop that rarely gets aired

My blipping has evolved, the friendships I have made through blip are still there .
My life is a million way from what it was 2000 days ago ( give or take the blips I need to add in ), the girls are half grown up, I have a great job and a lovely new man . I am still a little bit messed up and crazy but deep down an optimist about life and blip constantly reminds me to look out for and capture the good .

Thanks blip, thanks blip buddies, you know who you are .

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