Happy Birthday Paige!

Talk about two peas in a pod.......

These two little cherubs, oh and middle son and DiL called to see us today.

Isabella is growing up fast and is more and more like Olivia every time we see her!!!
They both have the bluest of blue eyes, as you can see :-)

It is their big sisters birthday today, Paige is 11. Dad took her to the Trafford Centre for some daddy and daughter time last night. They had a meal and went shopping. Paige wanted to spend her birthday money!! She bought some white converse trainers, got her first handbag and a few things for when she starts high school in September...exciting times for her!!

I did try to get a shot of son, DiL and both girls, for today's blip, but all four shots had someone looking away, or trying to escape off the sofa......it's easier managing a bucket of frogs ;-)

The weather has been just awful, poured down all day long!!! We were both awake at 5am this morning, I got up and made a cup of tea and a toasted tea cake at 5.45......then we both managed to drift off again for a couple of hours thankfully!

I'd prepared the bolognese sauce for a lasagne for dinner tonight, so I put that in the oven on a low light at 6 this morning......when we woke the house smelled like an Italian restaurant.... not sure it's a smell I'd like to wake up to every morning though :-/

This evening the girls had sausages, potatoe croquettes and spaghetti hoops for dinner.... the lasagne went down well, no leftovers ;-)

We are going to watch The Hobit on TV shortly.......as we've not seen it and did enjoy the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Really hope it's dry tomorrow so we can get outside......the roses have taken a battering today :-(

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