and through the wire...

By hesscat

That Was Gospel

So Ms H got a chance to sing and play for 30 minutes this afternoon to her family and friends. I got to join her for 4 of the 10 songs, and thankfully I wasn't as nervous as with previous performances. Ms H was as confident as ever and got to practice the bants between songs.

I also got a chance to test the village halls new sound mixer for events such as this and it seemed to go ok, I was even able to record from it. I think I'll need to get a local expert in just to offer some advice that I might be missing. I am kind of working up to organising an open-to-anyone music evening, almost... not quite sure what interest I would get.

Anyway, we all returned up the road for some nosh and birthday celebrations - extra attached! Ms H and 4 of her pals are currently squealing their lungs out  watching a scary movie... it is funny, but fingers are crossed it will tire them out for bed! 

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