Birthday Ladybird

My brother came over for my birthday today and we had a lovely meal at a nearby Italian restaurant. It was very warm but fortunately it was also dry so we didn't have to sit inside where it was even warmer. Instead we had a table outside in the shade where we could enjoy a very welcome breeze.

While we were having a drink before our food was brought out to us, we had to move a Ladybird from our table to a plant beside it a few times. Because it refused to sit still and I only had the compact camera with me, this was the only photo I managed to take of it where it didn't look like a blurry spot.

I had a text from my boss yesterday that I'll be on holiday a week longer and don't have to go back to work until Monday 18th July. That means that I don't have to get up early tomorrow morning and I can open the bottle of sparkling wine, which has been chilling in the fridge, this evening.My birthday has been as nice as it could be, but on special days like today I still miss Mum very much.

A big thank you for the very nice comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's House Sparrow blip. They are all very much appreciated.

I had already posted the Ladybird as today's blip when I took a photo of this evening's sky so I've added is as extra.

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