
By SomeGuyInNJ

Five Hundred... and Forty

So 500th blip... and within a week of me turning 40 too... And to think I dont feel a day over 57...

I was hoping to get a nice shot of 30 hot air balloons for my 500th blip today...

Tonight we headed down to the Warren County Fair. Every year they also have a balloon festival at the same time. We thought we'd grab the kids from school, head down there, grab something greasy to eat and watch the balloons go up. Unfortunately mother natures plans did not coincide with ours. SHortly after they got the tethered balloon up and people started doing their little up and down on the rope rides the wind started to pick up.

There were due to be thrity something balloons going up but as the second balloon started to setup it bacme clear it was getting a bit windy for them to control. Then the sky started to darken as a few storm clouds started to come over. Everybody started packing up their balloons back in the back of their truck and it was all over before it began... Ah well, it was worth a try... :-)

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