Windmill 'Zelden Rust', Hooge Zwaluwe, NBr

'Seldom Rest', although I'm pretty sure it's not in operation 24/7.  Many Dutch of the older generation like the name 'Seldom Rest' for their homes, or windmills, because it tells people that they worked hard for what they have.  If you can read it a bit -- the banner says that the village will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the construction of this windmill: 1866-2016.  Right now, it's in the process of being cleaned for the occasion, which will take place on Open Monuments Day, 10 September.

Hubby had a fab bridge afternoon with the usual suspects at the Breda Casino.  This automatically meant a 'lanterfanter' afternoon for me, meaning a leisurely drive windmill-hunting.  The weather feels and looks like summer occasionally and it's always a good idea to take advantage.

One more Monday to go.

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