
Always my favourite.

An incredibly annoying, frustrating day at work - I ended my working day by stopping being nice and accommodating, it was making me too cross. None of it was big and major but did make me wonder if there was any actual point to me being there. Just one of those days.

Daisy is never home now choosing to spend all her hours combing the streets hunting for Pokemon. I understand not a word of it but it does mean she goes for a three hour walk after school and then pops out again with the dog after dinner. One of these days her intense focus will be targeted on something useful and beneficial and the world will be a better place for it. The only down side is my little prince is ever so sad because he would love to do it to ( whatever "it" may be) but he has no phone. Just one of those little brother things. He had such a sad trying very hard not to cry face though that if I wasn't on a proper budget at the moment I would just buy him a phone. My poor spoilt baby.

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