
By Liseyellen

Zoe's beanstalk

Last year I did something, for me, that was really crazy. I published 100 different drawings on the topic of making excuses. I called it 100 days of making excuses and every day I published a new excuse. It was crazy becuase I am not an illustrator. I am, however, a professional art director, and, well, I know how bad I am at drawing. But I did it anyway, and put it out there, and was pleasantlly surprised at how accepting people were of my underskillled drawing, As if the naive quality had more authenticity, somehow, with my friends on the Internet.

So this year, because I need to keep working on something creative outside of advertising, I'm trying it again but with digital photography. Unapologetically digitally processed images that take them well out of their original context into something cheesy, otherworldy and fun. Because I know better but choose to do it anyway. Why not? That's the plan, anyway, 100 days of processed pix, or something like that.

I hope you enjoy it!

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