
A long drive through the Apennines from Rocca Pitigliata to Fiesole passing through Montese, Zocco, Castel di Casio, Castiglione dei pepoli, Montefreddente, a large and beautiful beech forest, a missed raod to Monte degli Alpi, Biscioni, past a huge memorial to the fallen German soldiers on the Gothic Line in the IIWW - we've seen many memorials to partisans, US and Brazilian troops - the Goggio di Scarperia, Scarperia itself - famous for its knives - Borgo San Lorenzo and finally Fiesole and San Domenico. 

Despite all this I took no photos. I blame the heat and never ending twisting turning climbing descending roads in brilliant light, in dappled sun and the deepest dark shade that obscured the terrifying edges of the road. The Boss throughout stoical and cool as a cucumber as I wrassled the underpowered slipper though its paces.

Shattered we could do little but sip cold wine, beer, iced water and throw down a meagre pasta and pesto. Tough life, eh?

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