Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


Vancouver, Day 12

So, the holiday is half over already... Time for a quieter day. Well, a bit quieter...

It began with a wonderful yoga class at the neighbourhood community centre, led by local TV star, Sandra Leigh I thought she was great!

It ended with a walk around English Bay to Second Beach and then across Stanley Park where there was a free open-air screening of 'Napoleon Dynamite'.

In between there was rather too much food and lots of reading. I'm now over halfway through this month's book club choice, 'The Glorious Heresies' by Lisa McInerney. The cover blurb emphasises how hilarious it is but I'm finding it grim yet uncomfortably gripping.

This evening we went out for a Turkish meal with Virginia and Eric and their friends Danielle and Chester. So, yeah, a pretty quiet day!

Today's song is by the Canadian institution that is Broken Social Scene...

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