I can see you.....NO YOU CAN'T!!!!

This morning we took Jessica to nursery and then we agreed that if the kids let me tidy up and sort some other things in the house that we would go to the park after we collected Jessica.....they were happy with that so off I trot to do the housework.

Jobs planned all done and as promised we went to the park. We took Megan's friend, Mia, with us. The kids had a great time, as they do but Jessica wasn't prepared to share these binoculars with anyone!! This part of the slide had been broken for a long time but must have recently been fixed. I did take pictures of her shouting at Johnny but like this one with it's selective colour and the eyes peering through.

It's been quite sunny here today but it has still be breezy when the sun was behind the clouds. It's to be heavy rain tomorrow so they made the most of it today and went out after tea for a play.

Tomorrow will be day 2 of the getting up early routine.... Megan is dreading it already!!

Last day of July....at the start of July 2010 I began blipping. I was not consistent the first year but haven't missed a day for a while now....730 is approaching fast.....what to do for that day..MMMMmmmmm not sure!!


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