Leftovers ...

And beautiful ones they are too. These are the remaining flower heads from the gorgeous bouquet last week. So pleased that I have a few more days to treasure them. The colours are amazing and remind me of Thai Airways, cause these are the colours in the cabins!!! As you can imagine, I LOVE flying Thai Airways. Happy all the way.

Been a stay at home, cleaning sort of day. And the last of the State of Origin series. Queensland were amazing but sadly did not win this game, although they were nearly headed towards a clean sweep! The series is best of three between QLD and NSW! But because we won the first two games, we still won the series, yay - again. It's becoming a habit.

Also today, our good friend Daren, an Emirates Airline captain, is in Hong Kong and was able to come over for dinner! So pleased to be able to see him. And hope we'll get to see him tomorrow too. Another busy day in town for us.

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