A Quickie.....

…. a quickie blip, that is.  For these two hoverflies, it was anything but, as they flew from flower to flower for quite a while as she was going about her business and he about his….  Anyway,  I got my quick blip and went back indoors to escape the oppressive heat and humidity, and now I must go about my business of catching up on a lot of neglected things. I decided to stay close to home today and ignore the yearning I have every morning to get out someplace different with my camera.  I have had far too many of those days of late.  Besides, the next two days will be consumed by great fun as the Lotus blossoms are in bloom at the Aquatic Gardens and the Sunflower fields are in bloom.  WRPerry and I have a date for both.   So today….nose to the grindstone. 

Interestingly enough, the female has red eyes and the male brown - who knew??? 

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