Evening sky

Today is my middle sister's birthday. It is also my nephew's 21st! "Happy birthday" to Lindsey and Joel.

Lindsey was almost born on my 7th birthday, and I remember it well (even though it was over 10 years ago.....) I remember being slightly relieved that she missed being born on my birthday, but she is still put out that Joel was born on hers.......her 21st!!! Still, I spent my 21st in hospital, so she shouldn't feel that she lost out too much. Nowt so funny as folk...

I took my blip photo from the garden, just before taking Noo to bed. I liked the look of the sky, and it was my first photo opportunity of the day. As I came home from work at 6.30pm, GravyC rushed to the running track in Eastbourne. We are like ships that pass in the night!

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