It is a beautiful life-

By domo


I haven't really been taking photos as much as I would like to.
As much as I love photography, it has taken a backseat to my new found ridiculously busy life.
The sad thing is that when I do finally post a photo it lacks inspiration, charm, and any sort of creative thought. Hopefully that will change soon and I will go back to maybe taking a good photo or two every so often.

This semester is nearly over and my final exam takes place on Wednesday at 8am. I'm happy for that. I'm even happier though because my birthday is coming up and I will be turning 21. It will be the first time in my entire life that I will not be home for my birthday. Birthdays aren't exactly a big deal in my house, but we do have the Paschal tradition of not acknowledging that it is someones birthday until around 8 when the painful process of having a family dinner at a restaurant comes around. It will be nice and kind of sad at the same time not doing that.

So this photo is what I see out my window everyday. It's really funny waking up and seeing what new tracks have been made by people from the night before. More and more seem to be there everyday. I don't understand why people don't just take the sidewalk!

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