Flower Friday : : Sunflower Seeds

The sunflower is dead, but it is still producing seeds which will nourish the birds and fall to the ground to create new vibrant plants in its image. I've set it to Cat Stevens' 'The Wind'

What is it that makes human beings hold as their most important objective murdering as many innocent people as possible? We can all speculate on the answer to that question, but I'm not sure we will ever find it. It is so difficult to imagine why anyone would think it would win anyone over to their way of thinking. It is difficult to protect oneself or one's nation against such attacks when it is so unimaginable. I have no answers except to repeat my belief that only compassion and understanding and  discussion will eventually solve the world's most intractable problems.

We must constantly remind ourselves that in spite of the evil acts which attract so much attention, there are many more quietly going about doing good things without attracting any attention at all. Every time some horrendous massacre is perpetrated in the name of something or someone else we feel so helpless. But I do think that by practicing understanding on a personal level we can have a powerful effect. Perhaps we all need to examine our attitudes honestly, root out submerged attitudes and create a discussion.

The Dalai Lama said recently:
First, inner disarmament is very essential. Anger and jealousy are destructive. Unless we make some effort to reduce and eliminate these problems, through compromise and discussion (we will fail). Solving problems by force is outdated. Begin with your own family. Each of you has the capacity to make some contribution. (Someone else)  can't build a wall inside people's hearts because that's not up to to him.

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