My life

By pops


Took Poppy for a walk around Chadkirk today - a local place with a very old church and a lovely woodland/river/canal walk.
It used to be an almost daily visit but work got in the way, we got out of the habit and as Poppy struggled more and more to get in and out of the car we stopped going.
Today we have discovered that there have been some changes, with an easy route around the fields, you no longer have to climb up into the woods but can stay on one level and meander round the field- a much better option for poppy these days.
There are still lots of wild flowers, fungi, insects and animals to see, the thistle was all in flower and as I love their spiky flower heads at the stage before it turns to thistle down it had to be my blip today. Poppy is now fast asleep getting over her excursion. Bet she sleeps well.

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