It's NOT as easy...

... when the "little" un's in dry dock.
In spite of having Blipped for a number of years - I still feel a bit like a "Touroid" wandering around town carrying the big lad.
Consequently I've been doing quite a bit of looking around "House & Home" for "things", updates, progress reports, etc.
This is one such.
If Blip had a viable "Search" facility it'd be VASTLY easier to find that for which we seek.
On the left one which "took bad ways" some time ago and reduced itself to, basically, the first joint of trunk.
In the same pot - some of the leaves it jettisoned.
In the right hand pot these six months down the line.
Just wait till I get round to the Mk l original.

JAM & BUTTER IT "Publish = no worky. Keep clicking old lad.

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