And My Blip Star Baby Brynn

Baby Brynn (our great-niece) is now almost 11 months old. I hate dislike it when people say this...but she is a cutie-patootie.

I got to blip her at her baby baptism, and a while after that with her momma and daddy.

Now, she is about this close (thumb and pointer together) to shaking off her crawling tendencies...and breaking out in a gentle jog.

Her parents were quite athletic,
so this one will not be outdone.
She'll bridge the gap from crawling...
right into a rapid run.

I know I may be prejudiced,
on that I will not dispute.
But, the little girl is charming,
lovely, delightful, and cute.

Grandma Lori asks..."How big is Brynn?" SO BIG!!!!

Oh my.

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