Sharon & Kayleen

So we were down at Oxford for 11.00 & I was having my bloods taken at five past. After a long chat about how I had been at the weekend we departed & headed to the Victoria Arms at Old Marston for lunch. We took a leisurely 2 hours for lunch before returning to the Centre for the results which were excellent. They are confident that the "bleed" has stopped, BUT they still want me to go back on Thursday for a repeat of today's test. This will mean going to the pub yet again but someone has to do it . During our chat I was told no alcohol & nothing spicy - oh dear !

From Thursday I will be on iron tabs & will find out exact plans regarding the pill-cam exercise.

Incidentally as we went in to the Centre we saw someone's foot come through the ceiling (builder's were working on the roof & had found a rotten spot) I wasn't quick enough with the camera but took a shot of the aftermath, which you can see in the extra. Pretty soon a young chap came scuttling in to apologise. The debris only just missed one of the patients sitting in the waiting room....

The girls in the picture are Sharon; who has worked at the Centre for many years as the Consultant's Secretary & Kayleen; a superbly efficient staff nurse who has been looking after me during this particular bleeding episode. I can't praise her & the rest of the team enough. Dr Mawer was my doc today & is the same chap I saw on Friday & on my previous 6 monthly health check - see here

a good lad who enjoys a long cycle ride & a glass of pale ale when he isn't working.

A HOT sunny day 

Thanks again to you all for your kind comments over the past few days. Today is the first day I actually felt like ME again - hoorah !
I'll be back commenting tonight but for now  - toodlepip !

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